This collection contains beloved hymns arranged in a creative manner. It is designed to be easy to use for the average church musician while still allowing instrumentalists to showcase their skills. The product includes printable piano parts and accompaniment tracks available for digital download. There are also parts included for rhythm section accompaniment, making it perfect for use in services. Ideal for offertories, preludes, and postludes, the solos are uniquely formatted and can even be used for instant concerts. The book includes a download code for access to the solo parts.
- All Creatures of Our God and King
- The Love of God
- Trust Medley
- Higher Ground
- It Is Well with My Soul
- Cross Medley
- O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
- Resurrection Medley
- All That Thrills My Soul
- Christmas Medley
Brand:Lorenz Corporation
Publisher Date:11/17/2008
Author:Ed Hogan
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